Hi guys! The subject of the thisblog is "Water recources on the Earth and its importance". As we know water is the foundation of life.
More than half of the body weights of plants, animals and humans from water. The waters which make up a large part of the earth are callee hydrosphere.
The water recources on Earth:
-Permanent snow and glaciers
There are five oceans on Earth:
1. Pasific ocean
2. Atlantic ocean
3. Indian ocean
4. North ice ocean
5. South ice ocean
Water recources vary between solid, liquid and gas. Water is always in a loop. This is called "water loop"
Oceans and seas constitute %97 of the waters on the earth. Only a small portion of the waters on the earth creates fresh water.
Fresh water areas:
-Amazon basin
-North of europe
-Indonessia, Malaysia, Philippines
-Congo basin
Fresh water with a small amout should be used with extrem caution. If water recources are not protected, drought occurs and agricultural production decreases. Starvation and famine happen.
I mean, we must protect the water recouces if we want life to contiune . Thats all. Thanks for reading.
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